Results From Rock Sampling Program/Final Stages Of Permitting Diamond Drilling At Olivine Mountain


VANCOUVER, BC - GSP Resource Corp. reported that it is in the final stages of the permitting process for the proposed drilling program on the Company’s Olivine Mountain property that is located in the Similkameen Mining Division, 25 km northwest of Princeton, British Columbia. Five drill targets have been established based on the Company’s exploration to date that includes a VLF-EM airborne survey, a soil geochemical survey of the entire property, and mapping and sampling.

President & CEO Simon Dyakowski said, “We are encouraged with these sampling results. They confirm the strong presence of gold and palladium in a geological environment suited to host massive sulphide (copper, nickel, gold, platinum, palladium) deposits in concentrically layered mafic/ultramafic rocks of the Tulameen Batholith.”

The rock samples are considered “grab” samples from exposed and known showings on the Olivine Mountain Property. Samples were submitted and analytical results were verified by the insertion of certified reference materials, blanks and duplicates. Gold, platinum and palladium were analyzed by FA330 methods and contents are reported in parts per billion (ppb). Copper and nickel were analyzed by AQ370 methods and contents are reported as percentage (%). Although platinum and nickel are not detected as anomalous to economic levels in the rock samples, these metals are detected as anomalous contents in previous soil geochemistry programs.

The company’s address is #1610, 777 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver, BC V7Y 1K4, (604) 619-7469,